Wednesday, March 23, 2022

What is Depression to a Disabled Black Man?

Depression and disability are closely intertwined. Physical or mental disability often leads to depression. It is the reason why depression is accepted as a material ground in claims against disability insurance. A medical condition that is manifested by prolonged feelings of sadness, depression hinders a person’s ability to accomplish his day-to-day activities. There is a loss of interest in activities that one used to take pleasure in. For a disabled black man, it is easy to fall prey to and sink into the abyss of depression. Any form of discrimination in the community or the workplace foisted on a disabled black man can trigger the downward spiral. Only someone with an incredible mental fortitude can expect to weather the rigors of depression unscathed.

A disabled black man should learn to recognize the onset of depression. Someone who is struggling financially or in his relationships might find it tempting to wallow in apathy until the anxiety recedes. Mental experts have warned against going with the flow. The best way to counteract depression is to proactively fight against it. A day at the gym to exercise is often helpful. Aqua-jogging or jogging in water is recommended for individuals who have difficulty moving. The most important thing is to mingle with friends or seek out a therapist if the symptoms continue.

Persons with disabilities, even if he is black and not well off, should not be ashamed of being depressed. There are always people willing to help depressed individuals out of the rut.

by Chibike I. Nwabude

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